ARCAIN transforms conventional cabinets into remarkable kitchens with its elegance and usefulness, as well as the space-saving style of Tandem boxes. The simplest things are saved in the most spectacular way in smart storage. We ensure everything is in its rightful place and within your grasp. Arcain seeks to establish the right balance between form and function, much as nature does with its elements. Tandem box has a hidden runner mechanism. It slides like a water and improves user convenience throughout the house. Arcain considers convenience as well as capacity while designing tandem boxes for today's multi-use kitchens. With non-slip surfaces, transparent storage, and smooth handling, really inventive designs provide a level of simplicity that is naturally easy to use and enjoy.


  • Tandem box contains front and back connectors, cabinet rail, and attractive covers, and is simple to assemble and set up. It can easily support a weight load of 40 kg.
  • The drawer can be fully expanded for a complete and clear view, and it can also be manually controlled. It is a high-quality, long-lasting product.
  • The height of the Tandem Box is 84 mm and depth is 500 mm.


  • This Tandem box features unrivalled running action thanks to the advanced runner technology and a 40 kg weight load capacity.
  • Front and back connectors, two rods, cabinet rail, and decorative covers are all included.
  • The height of the Tandem Box is 167 mm and depth is 500 mm.


  • A simple configuration with simple assembly that can readily support a weight load of 40 kg.
  • The drawer may be fully expanded providing a complete and clear view, as well as full access to the stored goods.
  • Front and back connectors, four rods, cabinet rail, and attractive covers are all included.
  • The height of the Tandem Box is 199 mm and depth is 500 mm.

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